
Health & Beauty

How to Prepare for Your Make-Up Part Three: Moisturisers

By Hayley

You've Cleansed, you've Toned, you're ready to moisturise!

Everyone should moisturise at least once a day whether it be morning or evening. Feel your skin and hydrate appropriately.

Everything in your day to day life can have an effect on the hydration of your skin. The air-con in your office, the weather outside and even you yourself.

Using the right moisturiser for your skin type is very important as it can completely undo everything you've achieved with your cleansing and toning. So lets see how we prevent that from happening!

Dry Skin:
For relief from dry skin a cream moisturiser can do wonders. Thicker moisturisers take longer to absorb into the skin so your skin stays moist and supple for longer. If you still intend to wear some makeup over your moisturiser a BB Cream or tinted moisturiser could be the way to go. It won't compound the creams on your face leaving you feeling clogged up but will still keep you hydrated and looking fresh.

Oily Skin:
When you have cleansed and toned but still feel a little bit oily it is still good to moisturise to keep your skin healthy. By this point in time you will usually find that parts are now feeling normal and parts still oily so a combination moisturiser is great for this. It will help aid in drying out the oily parts while hydrating the rest.

Inflamed/Acne Prone Skin:
Many people with inflamed or acne prone skin, when they moisturise, feel that it is simply clogging up their skin even more which is never a nice feeling. That's when it is best to use a specialised blemish control or calming moisturiser. These are specially developed to aid in clearing and soothing your skin and are usually a very sheer moisturiser so as to feel lightweight and barely there on your face.

When you come to apply your moisturiser you want to start with a small amount of moisturiser, about the size of a 20c coin. You never want to apply more than what your skin can absorb to avoid breakouts and excess oil.

To make sure you have enough to go around it is helpful to “dot” your moisturiser all over your face eg. a dot on your nose, forehead, chin, and each cheek. This ensures that your main target areas get the appropriate moisturiser as you work your way around.

Remember to also work in small circles! No rubbing!

Other important things to remember about moisturisers are that moisturisers are specifically designed to be either night time or day time and that for your day time moisturiser you should always try and find one that includes an SPF factor.

You may think “but i work indoors” or “it's winter i can't even see the sun” but trust me every little bit of light is working against you. All it takes is 15 minutes exposure to the sun eg. a walk from the bus or you car to the office and back for the sun to do its damage.

Even on overcast days there is still UV rays out there filtering through the clouds reaching you. So take action! Don't let the sun or weather cause you dry skin or premature wrinkles!

Be sure to check out our full Moisturising Range in our Mighty Beauty Jungle!

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