
Supplements & Vitamins

FireFly Recovery Strap, now in stock!

By Talman

Ever tried getting back into training and suffered the next day? You know what I'm talking about, still legs that don't seem to move – stairs look like mountains, the hallway is never ending, and that old wooden chair has never looked so comfortable? Yes we all know the feeling. With all the awesome deals we're running to kick off our Fitness & Nutrition category I'm sure lots of you are getting back into your training and are currently experiencing exactly what I'm talking about!

Never fear though! I'm really excited to introduce to you one of my favourite products right now; the Firefly Recovery Strap This exciting new product sends small electrical pulses through the nervous system in your lower legs to increase blood flow by around 300%! This increase of blood flow rapidly speeds up recovery time, especially after heavy training sessions or when getting back into training after a period of time off.

Now I know what you're probably thinking.. Electric shocks! Are you Crazy!? But trust me here, it is a weird feeling the first time you experience it but you get used to it after 5 minutes, I ended up falling asleep with them on once!

Now on a more personal note; about 2 months ago I started getting into Crossfit – “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Now I've played rugby all my life and am relatively fit, but nothing could have prepared me for what I went through after that first session. I spent my next 3 days in agony, I could hardly get out of bed, stairs were a no go, I couldn't even back myself to drive. I was suffering from delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) like never before.

A few days latter and I had to go through it all again, I was dreading it. A friend of mine had told me about these straps and I decided to give them a try, I was a bit apprehensive at first after going through a killer WOD (workout of the day). I put them on expecting the worst from my DOMS the next morning. However I can honestly say they greatly reduced the stiffness and soreness in my muscles. Yes I was still a bit stiff, but nothing like I was after last time.

Fast forward two months and I'm still using my FireFly Recovery Straps after my heavy workout sessions and I have never felt like I did after that first time. I HIGHLY recommend them to anyone who knows what I'm talking about, these things really do work.

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